Eevee's Diary

All the diaries, all in one place.

3 September 2024 - site & personal update

Cross-device stability. Newly open artwork page.

To be honest, though, I have fallen to a depression loophole. It is increasingly becoming harder to manage emotions and feelings. Heck, gender dysphoria is only getting worse.
I could had been on a better state if I were able to think smarter... And if people could be more diverse...

2 February 2024 - site update

I decided not to dump my diaries too much in here, and make text smaller.

My mental state is getting worse, to be honest. But I still want to try my best to do what I want to do.

23 June 2023 - pride month

I usually only write personal diaries for myself and not expose to others, but I decided to dump some parts in here.

Something I can now celebrate without neutral feelings. Maybe not as I expected, though.

I recently got back in the mood to draw something, and I made a small icon of vee sitting on a platform. It still feels hard for me, despite being able to draw in a rather fine quality last year.

My mind has been full of unrealistic thoughts. and the pain of being a male is striking harder than before.

There are multiple genders to choose from. I was talking with several friends of mine regarding genders, and one of them suggested me being gender-fluid - unstable status with gender swapping from one to another at times.
But I don't like to feel like "he", yet I don't want to be nothing or be like part of a group of people, so I chose to be transgender female. It was something I long wanted (to be called "she"), anyways.

I couldn't stand being a male when I have weakness of any sort. Especially when admitting to have a mental sickness.

The male stereotype of being perfect still stands strong. But female stereotypes slowly strengthens within me.

I changed some bits, but not too much.

How are you doing, by the way?

This is merely a test entry to this, so I am not counting this towards the number.
Maybe something like this works?

We'll see how this goes.